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BUCHEN Industrial Services provides services totally tailored to our clients' situations

BUCHEN Industrial Services offers customised industrial cleaning. As a result, we provide solutions for the most diverse situations. We carry out this work on-site. In specific situations where a single method may not suffice, we make use of a combination of cleaning methods. To do this, we apply various techniques such as ultrasonic cleaning, chemical cleaning or high-pressure cleaning. For ultrasonic and chemical cleaning, we rely on our sister companies.

Depending on your specific situation and requirements, we perform a wide variety of cleaning tasks

Together we choose the best cleaning solution

After a detailed discussion with the client to determine what needs to be done, we prepare a detailed roadmap. We also put together a project team that is ideal for the assignment. If necessary, we set up a spraying site at the cleaning location. This gives us the ability to clean multiple parts simultaneously which saves a lot of valuable time and is better for the environment because we minimise transport.

Cleaning with high pressure or pressure vacuum with specialised people and equipment in various sectors.

BUCHEN Industrial Services N.V./S.A. // A company of the REMONDIS Group